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DubTown Gaming Xperience

Leveling Up Together: Building Social Skills Through Online Gaming for Autism.

In recent years, video games have emerged as more than just a form of entertainment, they've become a valuable tool for promoting cognitive, social and emotional development, particularly for children on the autism spectrum (ASD).  As our understanding of ASD has evolved, so too has our recognition of the unique benefits that gaming can offer to individuals with ASD.  From providing a structured environment to fostering social interaction and communication skills, video games have the potential to play a significant role in the lives of children on the spectrum.  In this blog we will explore a few of the many ways in which video games can positively impact the lives of autistic children, as well as offer practical tips for parents to ensure a safe and enriching gaming experience. 

In doing some research on this topic I ran across an article by the Organization For Autism Research (OAR).  In this article they discussed a study done by two researchers at the University of Missouri who set out to see if there is a correlation between video game use and problem behaviors in boys with ASD between the ages of 8-18.  Their study focused on the amount of time spent playing video games, problematic gameplay patterns, and video game genre.  

Their results indicated that the average time of gameplay was 2.4 hours a day.  Researchers found no significant correlation between daily hours of gameplay and inattention, hyperactivity, or oppositional behavior.  Researchers found that the "action" genre, such as Star Wars which requires players to use quick reflexes, and timing to overcome obstacles, was the most popular by the boys. Platform games like Super Mario Bros followed, which involves traveling through levels of play by running, climbing and jumping.  Third popular was "shooter" style games like Call of Duty, that focuses on combat involving projectile weapons, like guns and missiles.

Children with ASD can benefit from playing video games in various ways.  Video games can provide a structured environment that can help improve focus, attention and problem-solving skills.  Video games provide autistic children with the opportunity for joint interaction and common interest with other people.  By playing multiplayer online games such as Roblox or Minecraft, children who usually struggle to communicate or are unaware of social cues can communicate with other players of the game.  This could include agreeing to specific strategies, which will help them build valuable group interaction skills.  Furthermore, video games can serve as a platform for exploring interests and talents, providing a sense of accomplishment and boosting self-esteem.

Parents can safeguard their child's experience with online multiplayer games by setting clear boundaries and guidelines.  This includes monitoring and controlling the amount of time spent playing, as well as ensuring that games are age-appropriate and safe.  Moderation is key.  Kids with ASD can become so focused with video game play they refuse to do any other activity. 

We know that connecting with others and spending quality time with family, sleeping and eating well and doing regular physical exercise and getting outdoors are all important for a young person’s wellbeing. If someone is regularly gaming in a way that stops them from doing these things, this could be a key reason why it starts to negatively affect their mental health and wellbeing. 

Parents should educate their child about online safety, including the importance of not sharing personal information with strangers and how to handle cyberbullying or inappropriate behavior.  Utilizing parental controls and privacy settings provided by gaming platforms can help restrict access to certain features and content.  Additionally, parents should actively engage with their child while gaming, participating in multiplayer sessions together or discussing their gaming experiences to stay informed and involved in their child's online interactions.  Regular communication and supervision are key to ensuring a positive and safe gaming experience.

In conclusion, video games have emerged as a powerful tool for promoting the development and well-being of children on the autism spectrum.  From providing a structured environment to fostering social skills and offering a sense of achievement, the benefits of gaming for autistic children are numerous.  By understanding the potential of video games and implementing appropriate guidelines and supervision, parents can ensure that their child's gaming experiences are not only enjoyable but also safe and enriching.  As technology advances, video games have the potential to play an increasingly important role in supporting the unique needs of the individuals with autism, providing opportunities for growth, connection and fun.